Hansen admits: Sun important in climate change

Hansen notes that solar brightness has decreased and the effects are “not negligible.” [You can’t expect global temperature to increase at a constant rate because] there’s too much natural variability. There are otehr forcing factors. It’s not only CO2 that’s changed. The sun’s brightness changed, ah decreased slightly over the last 10 years, about 0.1 … Continue reading Hansen admits: Sun important in climate change

Hansen: Stall in global warming a ‘diversionary tactic’ from ‘deniers’

“Suggestions that global warming has stalled are a “diversionary tactic” from “deniers” who want the public to be confused over climate change, according to the world’s best-known climate scientist. Prof James Hansen.”

Hansen calls pro-Keystone Canadian gov’t ‘Neanderthal,’ ‘In the hip pocket of fossil fuel industry’

“In an interview with Evan Solomon airing Saturday on CBC Radio’s The House, James Hansen defended his position that approving the proposed pipeline would be disastrous for the environment.”

Canadian Green Party: Minister should be ashamed for attacking Hansen

“Ask yourself how long we will tolerate having our highest ranking Canadian officials embarrass internationally by attacking the most courageous of scientists? It is we who are ashamed — of our government.”

Canadian Minister: Global warming hysteria is ‘nonsense’; Hansen ‘should be ashamed’

“In a post-speech question-and-answer session at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the minister dropped his usual carefully measured tone to decry leading climate-change scientist James Hansen.” Read more at the Globe and Mail.