Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Who knew Hansen had an anti-government streak?

Is NASA destroying records related to the retiring Jim Hansen?

Now that warmist Jim Hansen is retiring from NASA, the Competitive Enterprise Institute worries that NASA may be destroying records that are part of litigation over Hansen-related Freedom of Information Act requests. NASA’s response to CEI’s concern is less than reassuring.

Delingpole: Hanging ‘far too good’ for ‘ineffable toerags’ like Mann, Hansen, Jones et al.

“The last thing I would want is for Monbiot, Mann, Flannery, Jones, Hansen and the rest of the Climate rogues’ gallery to be granted the mercy of quick release. Publicly humiliated? Yes please.”

IBD: NASA Global Warming Extremist Hansen Leaves To Fight Canadian Pipeline

“The man who once compared coal trains to Nazi boxcars headed to crematoria leaves government service to fight what he calls the “pipeline to disaster” and promote his brand of climate quackery.”

Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’

In his first op-ed since announcing his retirement from NASA, James Hansen rails against the Keystone XL in the Los Angeles Times.

NASA statement on Hansen’s retirement: Lots of kudos, but no mention of arrests, crazy statements, blocking coal trains, Soros connection, $1 million in outside income, etc.

Hansen’s has earned a butterfly net, not a pension from taxpayers.