Defend George Will and the right to question climate alarmism!

Please help defend nationally syndicated columnist George Will from the greens… you made be defending your own right to question green orthodoxy! Here’s the story. On Feb. 15, the Washington Post published Will’s column “Dark Green Doomsayers.” Not surprisingly, green groups (Center for American Progress Action Fund, Media Matters and Friends of the Earth) have … Continue reading Defend George Will and the right to question climate alarmism!

Al Gore and Venus Envy

By Steven Milloy January 29, 2009, Al Gore has a new argument for why carbon dioxide is the global warming boogeyman — and it’s simply out of this world. Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday with yet another one of his infamous slide shows, Gore observed that the carbon dioxide (CO2) … Continue reading Al Gore and Venus Envy

EPA Goes Man-Hunting

By Steven Milloy December 18, 2008, It’s little wonder why the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list doesn’t include anyone accused of breaking federal environmental laws. It’s hard to argue that a father-son team accused of illegally importing Alfa Romeo sports cars that don’t meet U.S. tailpipe emissions standards is the criminal equivalent of the likes … Continue reading EPA Goes Man-Hunting

Green-on-Green Violence

By Steve Milloy December 04, 2008, The activist group Environmental Defense got a taste of what it used to dish out this week when its Washington, D.C., offices were invaded by another green group, the Global Justice Ecology Project. The Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) essentially accused Environmental Defense (ED) of collaborating with the … Continue reading Green-on-Green Violence

Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere

by Steve Milloy February 6, 2007, The global warming carnival hits its full stride this week in preparation for the release of the long-awaited and much-hyped United Nations report on global warming. It’s unfortunate for the climateers that this week’s climate science doesn’t live up to all the hoopla.