WSJ: Lisa Jackson’s Power Play

“The rest of the purported benefits—to be precise, 99.99%—come by double-counting pollution reductions like soot that the EPA regulates through separate programs and therefore most will happen anyway. Using such “co-benefits” is an abuse of the cost-benefit process and shows that Cass Sunstein’s team at the White House regulatory office—many of whom opposed the rule—got … Continue reading WSJ: Lisa Jackson’s Power Play

Junk Science War: Fracking Quakes and ‘Dirty Faces’

By Steve Milloy November 17, 2011, PajamasMedia Though I write to defend the natural gas industry from the junk science hurled at it and the drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing (fracking), I do so with mixed emotions.

Rep. Stivers isn’t killing babies

By Steve Milloy October 26, 2011, The Daily Caller In a new ad campaign, Environment Ohio accuses Republican Congressman Steve Stivers of voting to kill babies. In addition to being over the top, the ad spotlights an increasingly unhinged and politicized environmental movement.