Biden picks Comrade Carol Browner as climate advisor

Joe Biden has picked Carol Browner as a climate advisor. Browner was the Clinton EPA chief and Obama energy and environment czar. fans will recall that in 2009 we exposed Browner’s leadership position in Socialist International. Below is a pic of Brpwner addressing a 2008 Socialist International convention. Green is the new red!

Communist China-funded US enviro groups working to stop US military base on Okinawa

China is funding us green groups to harm our national security.

Continue reading Communist China-funded US enviro groups working to stop US military base on Okinawa

Congress investigating whether China is paying NRDC to harm America

‘… the apparent strong ties between the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Peoples Republic of China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party…”

Read the letter.

Read the report.

Original Research: Origin of the term ‘McCarthyism’

Who coined the term “McCarthyism”? Was it Washington Post cartoonist Herb Block? Or someone more sinister? I report my original research as it stands now. You decide.

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FLASHBACK: Russian meddling circa 1943 via the NYTimes

The full-page ad below was run by the Communist Party USA in the New York Times on February 24, 1943. The featured author is CPUSA head Earl Browder (grandfather of ex-US citizen Bill Browder of Magnitsky Act fame). The purpose of the ad is to convince Americans that the Soviet Union is not subverting the US government or policy. At the time, it was not generally known that Browder was a paid Soviet agent and the CPUSA was a Soviet-sponsored front group.

So imagine the impact of a $100,000 worth of mostly post-election Facebook ads in 2016 vs. the impact of a full-page in in the paper of record before TV or the Internet.

Download/save the ad (which is broken into three separate images) and open the images in your browser so you can read it.

WaPo Hypocrisy: Don’t ‘demonize’ political opponents

I almost spit up my morning cup of liberal tears when I read the WaPo editorial this morning on Trump’s firing of ex-Acting AG Sally Yates.

Continue reading WaPo Hypocrisy: Don’t ‘demonize’ political opponents

UCalifornia profs warned not to use school resources for personal attacks on President Trump

Wanna-be political activists masquerading as professors should not be using their taxpayer-funded day jobs as a perch from which to spout their politics.

Continue reading UCalifornia profs warned not to use school resources for personal attacks on President Trump