EPA pays American Lung Association to attack GOP?

“The American Lung Association has targeted House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton for his efforts to stop U.S. EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions by placing billboards within sight of his district offices linking climate change with increased childhood asthma,” reports E&E News PM. But as we reported last week in “EPA owns the … Continue reading EPA pays American Lung Association to attack GOP?

EPA’s Smoke-and-Mirrors on Smog and Soot — Part 1

This article begins a series examining the science and economics behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposals to tighten air quality standards for ground-level ozone (O3 or smog) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5 or soot). There are two proposed EPA rules at issue: National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone (NAAQS), proposed in January 2010; and … Continue reading EPA’s Smoke-and-Mirrors on Smog and Soot — Part 1

Greens woo, but hurt blacks

The Wall Street Journal‘s Naomi Schaeffer Riley opines today about how the largely white-and-rich greens are trying to make themselves less so. But, as Riley points out with our help, the greens really represent a threat to African Americans: … It may be mere condescension to assume that racial minorities don’t understand what’s at stake … Continue reading Greens woo, but hurt blacks

Pickens Hops Aboard the Public Health Bandwagon

By Steven Milloy December 11, 2008, FoxNews.com Has public health replaced patriotism as the new “last refuge of scoundrels”? T. Boone Pickens’ self-enrichment plan to switch America into natural gas-powered cars and wind power was initially advertised as a means to wean America off foreign oil. When the plan was announced last July, oil had … Continue reading Pickens Hops Aboard the Public Health Bandwagon

Candidates don't come clean on coal

By Steven Milloy October 16, 2008, FoxNews.com A squabble about “clean coal” has broken among the presidential candidates. Neither side has leveled with voters. Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden kicked off the controversy in September when he commented at an Ohio campaign stop that, “We’re not supporting clean coal.” He then had to back … Continue reading Candidates don't come clean on coal

Cholesterol Drug Scare Shenanigans

By Steven Milloy September 04, 2008, FoxNews.com Why is the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine encouraging a cancer scare over the cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin? Is he overcompensating for past bad behavior? Prescribed for millions of patients, Vytorin is a single pill that combines the cholesterol-lowering medicines Zocor and Zetia. Its popularity declined … Continue reading Cholesterol Drug Scare Shenanigans

Conservation Nation?

By Steven Milloy July 17, 2008, FoxNews.com President Bush almost got it right this week when he declined to call on Americans to conserve energy. Sadly, he still seems to think that conservation is a win-win proposition; worse, so do both major presidential candidates. A reporter, saying the energy debate will continue into the next … Continue reading Conservation Nation?

Flu Shot Frenzy Not Anthrax Answer

by Steve Milloy November 2, 2001, FoxNews.com I suggested in last week’s column that public health officials be excused for “honest” mistakes inadvertently leading to two postal worker deaths from inhalation anthrax. But their bad advice about the flu shot as an aid to the diagnosis of anthrax is another matter.