IBD: Massachusetts Tilts At Windmills

“Bypassing abundant supplies of environmentally friendly and reliable natural gas, the Bay State forces its utilities to buy energy from offshore wind farms. The tilting at windmills continues.” Continue reading IBD: Massachusetts Tilts At Windmills

Audubon understands Gleick committed fraud

We’d congratulate the Audubon Society for understanding that Peter Gleick’s committed fraud, but we still have a bad taste in our mouth from all people Audubon helped kill via the DDT ban. Continue reading Audubon understands Gleick committed fraud

Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents

“So that Members of Congress and the public can understand more fully the nature of The Heartland Institute’s efforts to influence public understanding of generally accepted scientific truth.” Continue reading Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents