Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

The EPA has exposed human test subjects to lead despite the agency’s conclusion that there is “no safe” level of exposure to the heavy metal. Continue reading Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own 'no safe' exposure determination

Global warming threatens spaghetti, lo mein

“But if humans want to keep eating pasta, we will have to take much more aggressive action against global warming. Pasta is made from wheat, and a large, growing body of scientific studies and real-world observations suggest that wheat will be hit especially hard as temperatures rise and storms and drought intensify in the years ahead.” [Daily Beast]

China wins bid for bankrupt Obama-backed solar company

“A Chinese car parts maker has won the auction for bankrupt US battery maker A123 Systems, in a further success in international dealmaking for Chinese groups… In October, A123 – which was awarded a $249m grant from the US government – became the latest stimulus-backed company to file for bankruptcy, prompting a fresh round of attacks on President Barack Obama’s support for emerging energy technologies. [Financial Times]

It’s not easy to replace foam lunch trays with greener options, school officials say

“Max said he worries about the health repercussions of littering Earth with foam.” [Washington Post]… We suggest that Max develop an interest in a more important issue to his present and future — like our disastrous economy.

Chevron Aims at an Activist Shareholder

Chevron goes after a poseur-shareholder as part of a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations lawsuit the company filed against an army of parties involved in bringing an environmental case against Chevron in Ecuador almost two decades ago. [New York Times]

Claim: Climate Skeptics Swayed by Consensus, Not Evidence

Don’t spit your coffee on your screen…. “Conservatives are less likely to accept the reality of human-caused climate science when presented with supporting scientific evidence. But tell them that 99 out of 100 climate scientists agree on the subject, and conservatives will be more likely to accept that humans are altering the climate, according to a new pilot study.” []

But the Nazi doctor was a great guy?

A letter-to-the-editor in response to last week’s front-page Wall Street Journal article about a space medicine award being named for a Nazi researcher reveals that some people — a physician, in this case — apparently still don’t get it. Continue reading But the Nazi doctor was a great guy?