Pedal to the Metal: Why California can’t ban gasoline-powered cars

Unhappy with the imminent rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards and the so-called “California waver” by the Trump administration, California environment chief Mary Nichols is threatening to ban gasoline-powered cars. Is this possible?

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WINNING: EPA official involved in rigged glider truck testing reassigned

You can’t fire federal employees very easily. But you can reassign them. Christopher Grundler, the EPA official in charge of the office involved in the rigged testing of glider trucks is being reassigned to other duty.

Chris Grundler will no longer be the director of the EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. His reassignment comes a year after exposed OTAG’s rigging of glider truck emissions tests.

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No… global warming is not killing gray whales

The fake news media is on a never-ending mission to make the public believe the world is ending because of manmade CO2 emissions. Today links a spate of gray whale deaths to climate. But…

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Media explains why climate skeptics are going to win

The trade press publication E & E News today drew attention to the Steve Milloy-authored Energy and Environment Action Team publication, “The Plan Is… No Plan: Why the GOP Shouldn’t Do Anything on Climate.” If you read the E & E News report, you’ll find out why climate bedwetters ultimately stand to lose the contest. See if you can figure it out. I reveal the answer at the end.

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Calabrese: How the EPA adopted the LNT

“This historical evaluation suggests that the EPA did not want to have its hands tied or its scientific image affected by statements from the 1960 BEAR Genetics and Medicine Panels that there was too much uncertainty to estimate cancer risk in the low dose zone. Their comments were simply ignored and swept under the regulatory rug.”

Read the paper.

Study: Not a single EU country on a pathway to reach net-zero emission by 2050

If being on a credible pathway is a 100 score, the EU as a whole scores only a 29.2. Uber ‘green’ Germany scored a rip-roaring 12.

Sources: Web | PDF | Study Web | PDF