CO2 link to mega-drought debunked by Australian government scientists

“Australia’s Federation Drought, spanning 1895 to 1903, was one of the world’s worst recorded megadroughts.” So… what caused the megadrought 120 years and 120 ppm CO2 ago?

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Finnish study finds ‘practically no’ evidence for man-made climate change first reported on experimental evidence of cosmic rays affecting the climate in Steve Milloy’s weekly column (web | PDF) on October 12, 2006. Boom.

Source: | Study

Calabrese: Muller’s Nobel Prize data — Getting the dose wrong and its significance

“This paper reveals that in Muller’s (1927) Nobel Prize research he used a treatment exposure (total dose) that was 95 million-fold greater than the average background exposure, a value far greater than the 200,000 fold reported by Muller and Mott-Smith (1930).”

Read the paper.

Calabrese: Why EPA adopted the LNT for cancer risk assessment

“… overpowering influence of low dose biostatistical modeling perspectives that swayed the quantitatively overwhelmed chemical toxicologists. This resulted in the LNT policy going forward, becoming broadly institutionalized across many governmental agencies and in multiple countries. The rest is history.”

Read the paper.

US Air Quality Isn’t Slipping: Taking a Closer Look at the Data friend and air quality expert Rich Trzupek sets the record straight concerning the recent erroneous Associated Press report that US air quality has deteriorated under the Trump administration. BTW, I had requested a couple weeks ago a copy of the research report the AP claimed to have done, but AP reporter Seth Borenstein has so far failed to produce it.

Continue reading US Air Quality Isn’t Slipping: Taking a Closer Look at the Data

Has Himalayan glacier melting doubled?

“A newly comprehensive study shows that melting of Himalayan glaciers caused by rising temperatures has accelerated dramatically since the start of the 21st century,” claims a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Willis Eschenbach shares his thoughts.

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JunkScience radiation work spotlighted in New York Times best-seller on Chernobyl disaster

Reading “Midnight in Chernobyl,” I came across this…

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