Study: No need to cut down red and processed meat consumption

Major Canadian-led study finds cutting back has little impact on health. I posted this because you probably won’t see it anywhere else.

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Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Myron Ebell and I collaborated on this compilation for the Competitive Enterprise Institute. It is currently the top story at

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Science Dies in Darkness at the Washington Post

The Trump-hating Washington Post protests the 2016 election with its sore loser slogan, “Democracy Dies In Darkness.” So let’s check out today’s front-page climate hysteria.

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More real-world evidence that PM2.5 in outdoor doesn’t kill

A new study in JAMA reports that among people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, the risk of cardiovascular disease returns to that of a nonsmoker for 10-15 years after quitting. Here’s what this means for PM2.5 in outdoor air.

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A cautionary word on extreme temperatures during heat waves…

We have been told that the July 2019 European heat wave brought record hot temps — e.g., 101.7F at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden in eastern England and 114.6 in France. But check out what happened 75 years ago on August 14, 1944 in New York City.

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Dirty Deeds: EPA Inspector General Whitewashes Rogue Testing of Glider Trucks

I’m not surprised. The EPA IG is corrupt. readers will recall, for example, the EPA IG whitewash of EPA’s illegal human testing. BTW, who puts the conclusion in the title of an IG report?

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Resistance and Fake News media dream: “Trump’s changes to science might not last”

“Steve Milloy, who runs, a website focused on undermining climate science, helped write EPA’s science playbook as a member of Trump’s transition team.”

Read the article from E&E News.

NO… Trump election not associated with uptick in premature births by US Latina Women

More political science from the American Medical Association. Takes us back to January 1999 when we got then-JAMA editor George Lundberg fired for trying to influence Bill Clinton’s Senate trial with a ‘study’ reporting that oral sex isn’t sex.

Continue reading NO… Trump election not associated with uptick in premature births by US Latina Women

CO2 link to mega-drought debunked by Australian government scientists

“Australia’s Federation Drought, spanning 1895 to 1903, was one of the world’s worst recorded megadroughts.” So… what caused the megadrought 120 years and 120 ppm CO2 ago?

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