Study: Not a single EU country on a pathway to reach net-zero emission by 2050

If being on a credible pathway is a 100 score, the EU as a whole scores only a 29.2. Uber ‘green’ Germany scored a rip-roaring 12.

Sources: Web | PDF | Study Web | PDF

ExxonMobil produces 3.8 million barrels of climate disinformation a day

ExxonMobil is a great and historic company. More importantly, it sells a great product. There is no question about that.

But ExxonMobil’s management? Well… that’s a different story.

Since 2006, when Rex Tillerson became CEO, ExxonMobil has been supporting if not promoting climate alarmism. Tillerson hoped to score political correctness points and to gain competitive advantage via regulation, which favors big companies over small ones. Climate could also be used to advantage against the coal industry.

Current CEO Darren Woods, who took over from Tillerson in 2017, has not backed off promoting climate alarmism, despite the election of climate skeptic President Trump and his policies to unleash the American energy sector.

The question to be addressed here is: Does ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods’ promotion of climate alarmism break the law?

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AAAS fundraises off measles tragedy while overlooking its own role in science fraud

Contrary to the appeal of American Association for the Advancement of Science President Rush Holt, I’m not looking to the AAAS to combat science fraud as it overlooks its own role in it.

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Study: Drought not linked with manmade CO2

If you’re blaming drought in 1900 on manmade CO2 emissions (when CO2 was about 296 ppm or 114 ppm CO2 ago), you are essentially saying that drought has nothing to do with manmade CO2.

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Study: No direct link between sugary drinks and caloric intake or BMI in children has been (correctly) punching back on sugar-sweetened drink hysteria for decades.

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Oh no… Lindsey Graham backslides into climate bedwetting

Kavanaugh-confirmation hero Sen Lindsey Graham wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by introducing a GOP climate plan, backsliding into John McCain-ism. He must not have read my Wall Street Journal op-ed.

Continue reading Oh no… Lindsey Graham backslides into climate bedwetting