The New York Times (Henry) Fountain of glacier disinformation

Last week, we busted New York Times climate Henry Fountain on the Mt. Rainier glacier. Today, Fountain weeps for Switzerland’s Trift glacier.

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Wind/solar mandates are a costly fail, reports UChicago study

Even minimal increases (1-4%) in wind/solar raise electricity prices 11-17%. Reducing CO2 emissions costs $130 to $460 per ton. Disaster. Don’t believe us. Believe the climate bedwetters at the University of Chicago.

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Happy Earth Day: China wants to double its coal power capacity by 2030

“The largest power producers in China have asked the government to allow for the development of between 300 and 500 new coal power plants by 2030.” But don’t tell Greta.

Source: Greenpeace Web | PDF

NYTimes busts itself… Mount Rainier glacier melting not due to CO2

This is today’s New York Times front page. The NYT blames the retreat of the Mount Rainier glacier (about a mile over the past 100 years) on carbon dioxide. But…

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Despite climate arm-waving, World Bank finances burning more coal, oil and gas

More inconvenient truth reported by the German NGO Urgewald: “The World Bank’s active energy project finance significantly favors fossil fuels over renewable energy — $21 billion to $7 billion”… about 25% of which is coal. Emissions are never going down.

Continue reading Despite climate arm-waving, World Bank finances burning more coal, oil and gas

Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

Interestingly, Balmes’ current EPA air quality grant — worth $4.76 million — runs out in June 2019. With any luck, EPA will not renew.

Continue reading Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

From my cold dead lips…

I was refused a straw last week at a Washington, DC restaurant last week. Apparently (who knew?) straws were banned on January 1 and restaurants have until July 1 to comply with the irrational dictate. I just ordered “soda shop style” plastic straws from Amazon. The law says restaurants can’t provide plastic straws. It doesn’t say I can’t bring my own. Who would ever have though straws would become a front in the struggle for liberty?

As per my 2009 best seller, “Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them” (Regnery, 2009). there is no part of your life that the totalitarian greens don’t want to own and operate.

Hypocrite of the Day: CARB Chief Mary Nichols

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has sued the Trump administration over the proposed freezing of the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards. suggests the Trump administration respond to CARB chief Mary Nichols the way she responded to Congress in 1997.

Continue reading Hypocrite of the Day: CARB Chief Mary Nichols

Third court upholds Trump reform of EPA science advisory process

When you’re right, you’re right… and we were right.

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