Bryce: If relativity is now debatable, why not climate change?

“Last month, scientists at CERN, the prestigious high-energy physics lab in Switzerland, reported that neutrinos might—repeat, might—travel faster than the speed of light. If serious scientists can question Einstein’s theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earth’s atmosphere,” writes the Manhattan Institute’s Robert Bryce in today’s Wall Street Journal.

Irony: Michael Mann to rant about skeptics being outside 'scholarly venues'

Climategate’s Michael Mann plans to rant at next week’s Geological Society of America meeting about skeptics not being part of scholarly debate. But wait a minute, didn’t Mann conspire to bring about that very situation? Continue reading Irony: Michael Mann to rant about skeptics being outside 'scholarly venues'

EPA to ease off on Cross-State Pollution Rule?

“The Environmental Protection Agency, under pressure from some states, industry and Congress, is expected to ease an air quality rule that would require power plants in 27 states to slash emissions,” reports the Wall Street Journal. Continue reading EPA to ease off on Cross-State Pollution Rule?

Circumcision bans: Unwarranted and harmful?

Johns Hopkins infectious disease experts say the medical benefits for male circumcision are clear and that efforts in an increasing number of states (currently 18) to not provide Medicaid insurance coverage for male circumcision, as well as an attempted ballot initiative in San Francisco earlier this year to ban male circumcision in newborns and young boys, are unwarranted. Continue reading Circumcision bans: Unwarranted and harmful?

Contraception doubles risk of HIV?

A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reports that the use of hormonal contraception may double the risk of HIV transmission. But, at best, what this study shows is that transmission of HIV through conventional heterosexual contact occurs rarely, if ever. Continue reading Contraception doubles risk of HIV?

McGurn: The green problem of billionaire guilt

“We’re all familiar with the greedy businessman who pushes taxpayer subsidies to enrich himself. Solyndra tells us we might want to start paying more attention to the businessman who’s already rich—but seeks to salve a guilty conscience by putting taxpayers on the hook for his pet causes” — the money line from William McGurn’s column in today’s Wall Street Journal.