Apparently tone-deaf to the $535 million Solyndra debacle, House Democrats are looking to defend Department of Energy loan programs at the peril of a government shutdown. Continue reading Dems willing to shutdown government over DOE loan program?
Category: EPA
Kansas sues EPA over cross-state rule
Kansas sued the EPA yesterday to block the agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). Continue reading Kansas sues EPA over cross-state rule
Alleged 'pro-lifers' attack GOP for EPA mercury rule
Enviros dressed by as evangelicals are running radio ads accusing prominent pro-life House Republicans of abandoning their principles in attempting to rein in the EPA on mercury. Take our poll! Continue reading Alleged 'pro-lifers' attack GOP for EPA mercury rule
Tears of a clown: Distraught EPA chief almost quit over ozone
“She was very upset,” one administration official told the New York Post of Lisa Jackson’s reaction to Obama’s backing away from EPA’s imminent tightening of the ozone standard. “She didn’t know what she was going to do.” Boo-hoo-hoo….
Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers
Is Michelle Bachmann risking the lives of 22,750 Americans and the health of 118,111 asthmatic kids in Florida in return for $131,730 in contributions from “polluters”? Continue reading Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers
Texas says EPA of fibbed at Congressional hearing
You don’t often see a state essentially accuse the federal government of lying to Congress. Continue reading Texas says EPA of fibbed at Congressional hearing
EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?
The EPA has taken the unusual (unprecedented?) step of seeking in a Federal Register notice public comment on a petition from Save the Frogs to ban the herbicide atrazine. Continue reading EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?
EPA shows us a body?
A new EPA study picks up’s “Show us the bodies” gauntlet. Who wins the clash? You decide. Continue reading EPA shows us a body?
EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times
Apparently tipped off to Luminant’s lawsuit filed Sep. 11 against EPA concerning the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, the EPA sent this obnoxious and condescending letter informing Luminant that shutting down mines is not the way to go in tough economic times. Continue reading EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times
Perry: EPA a 'cemetery for jobs'
Rick Perry gets the EPA problem. Full quote below.
… tell the EPA that we don’t don’t need you monkeyin’ around and fiddlin’ around and gettin’ in our business on every kind of regulation that you can dream up. You’re doin’ nothin’ more than killin’ jobs. It is a cemetery for jobs at the EPA.
The EPA kills jobs. Perry only kills “g”s. At this point we need jobs, not fully pronounced present participles.
Perry blames EPA For 500 jobs losses; Other candidates say… ?
Gov. Rick Perry issued the following statement regarding Luminant’s announcement that 500 jobs will be lost due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR): Continue reading Perry blames EPA For 500 jobs losses; Other candidates say… ?
New EPA air rule kills 500 jobs in Texas
EPA’s recently promulgated Cross-State Air Pollution Rule will kill 500 jobs in Texas and the affected power company has sued, reports the Longview News-Journal. Continue reading New EPA air rule kills 500 jobs in Texas