Glider Truck Coda: Garbage from the North Carolina Department of Justice readers will call the glider truck saga chronicled closely here. Three-plus years after I FOIA-ed the North Carolina Department of Justice about its involvement in the scandalous cabal against glider trucks, I finally got a response. It’s mostly nothing except for the image below used in the NCDOJ’s propaganda against glider trucks. That’s not … Continue reading Glider Truck Coda: Garbage from the North Carolina Department of Justice

Dirty Deeds: EPA Inspector General Whitewashes Rogue Testing of Glider Trucks

I’m not surprised. The EPA IG is corrupt. readers will recall, for example, the EPA IG whitewash of EPA’s illegal human testing. BTW, who puts the conclusion in the title of an IG report?

WINNING: EPA official involved in rigged glider truck testing reassigned

You can’t fire federal employees very easily. But you can reassign them. Christopher Grundler, the EPA official in charge of the office involved in the rigged testing of glider trucks is being reassigned to other duty.

Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

That’s what the letter says. But it probably won’t be what you read in Fake News media accounts (ahem… Eric Lipton, I can’t wait for your report).

Glider Trucks Caught in Deep State Double Standard

When the Obama EPA issued its rule to kill the glider truck industry in 2016, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the rule even though the Obama EPA failed to do the required benefit-cost analysis required by Executive Order No. 12866. But when the Trump EPA sent the final rollback of … Continue reading Glider Trucks Caught in Deep State Double Standard

Dirty Deeds Done Deep State Cheap: Rep. Bill Posey (R, FL-8) summarizes EPA-Volvo conspiracy against glider trucks

From today’s hearing before the House Space, Science and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcommittee on Environment — “Examining the Underlying Science and Impacts of Glider Truck Regulations”. Rep. Posey recounts how EPA and Volvo Trucks rigged the glider emissions tests.

Boom… EPA inspector general to investigate EPA staff-Volvo Trucks rigging of glider truck emissions test exposed this scandal in June. Three months later… here’s the EPA IG letter announcing the investigation (EPA Web Site|PDF).

Smoking Gun: Emails Show Volvo Trucks Initiated EPA’s Rigged Testing of Glider Trucks

In June, broke the news that EPA career staff and Volvo Trucks had worked cooperatively on a rigged glider truck emissions test. New e-mails obtained via FOIA indicate origin of the rigged testing idea. The characters in today’s drama are:

EPA staffer behind rigged glider truck testing, now trying to sabotage Trump rollback of Obama fuel economy standards

Senior EPA bureaucrat Bill Charmley is personally try to wreck to the Trump deregulatory agenda.