Makin’ It Up: IPCC lead author slams IPCC’s trillion-ton carbon budget as number ‘plucked from nowhere’ & 2-degree temp limit as ‘pulled out of the air’

The Sydney Morning Herald reports: Continue reading Makin’ It Up: IPCC lead author slams IPCC’s trillion-ton carbon budget as number ‘plucked from nowhere’ & 2-degree temp limit as ‘pulled out of the air’

Nanny Bloomberg’s next target: Tanning salons — Here’s why it’s another junk science-fueled crusade

The New York Post reports: Continue reading Nanny Bloomberg’s next target: Tanning salons — Here’s why it’s another junk science-fueled crusade

French Court Croaks Fracking: Upholds government ban saying environment more important than free enterprise, private property

The NYTimes reports: Continue reading French Court Croaks Fracking: Upholds government ban saying environment more important than free enterprise, private property

Bottomless Pit: Even if ocean ate the warming, would only change ocean temperature by IMMEASURABLE hundredths-of-a-degree

IPCCReport reports: Continue reading Bottomless Pit: Even if ocean ate the warming, would only change ocean temperature by IMMEASURABLE hundredths-of-a-degree

Hilarious: Communist Party USA calls Congressional Tea Party ‘extremist’; ‘Our democracy under siege’

Here’s the tweet: Continue reading Hilarious: Communist Party USA calls Congressional Tea Party ‘extremist’; ‘Our democracy under siege’

Nobel Peace Prize committee member admits purpose of Al Gore award was to ‘help strengthen the scientific case’ of warmism

Geir Lundestad told the Toronto Star: Continue reading Nobel Peace Prize committee member admits purpose of Al Gore award was to ‘help strengthen the scientific case’ of warmism

Pennsylvania Poops on Climate Panic: State economy ‘would be little affected by projected climate change’

From “Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment Update”: Continue reading Pennsylvania Poops on Climate Panic: State economy ‘would be little affected by projected climate change’

AZ state senator: ‘EPA out of control’ in risking thousands of jobs, billions in economic activity in shutting Navajo coal plant

Arizona State Sen. Kelli Ward writes at Politx: Continue reading AZ state senator: ‘EPA out of control’ in risking thousands of jobs, billions in economic activity in shutting Navajo coal plant