Why Obama’s climate agenda may be DOA: A refiner realizes Obama’s “war on coal” is just the opening act

From today’s Washington Post article about the environment being the focus of Obama’s second term: Continue reading Why Obama’s climate agenda may be DOA: A refiner realizes Obama’s “war on coal” is just the opening act

Warmist prof: ‘Need to demonize’ investors to end fossil fuel era

Hampshire College prof Michael Klare bemoans the era of unconvention fossil fuels and says the only way to stop it is: Continue reading Warmist prof: ‘Need to demonize’ investors to end fossil fuel era

DC moves to ban smoking outdoors; Where there’s secondhand smoke, there’s junk science

Annoying to many — but not a health risk to any — secondhand smoke is archetypal junk science. Continue reading DC moves to ban smoking outdoors; Where there’s secondhand smoke, there’s junk science

Euphemism for politically correct polluting (aka geoengineering): ‘Solar radiation management’

Accuweather.com reports: Continue reading Euphemism for politically correct polluting (aka geoengineering): ‘Solar radiation management’