NYTimes Claim: ‘Clear by now that we are in the early stages of what is likely to be a substantial rise in sea level’

Clear to whom based on what? Continue reading NYTimes Claim: ‘Clear by now that we are in the early stages of what is likely to be a substantial rise in sea level’

Obama campaign awards skeptic GOP congressman unicorn trophy for ‘fantasy’ climate views

We were going to give Organizing for Action a trophy, but didn’t have time to get to the cow pasture. Continue reading Obama campaign awards skeptic GOP congressman unicorn trophy for ‘fantasy’ climate views

Cargo ship attempts to sail from China to Europe via Northeast Passage as climate change melts sea ice to open Arctic ‘short-cut’

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Cargo ship attempts to sail from China to Europe via Northeast Passage as climate change melts sea ice to open Arctic ‘short-cut’

Michael Mann says Rep. Rohrabacher unfit for public office because of ‘anti-scientific zealotry’ — meanwhile public employee Mann says ‘proof not for science’

Keep talking, Mike. You’re only making yourself sound nuttier and nuttier. Continue reading Michael Mann says Rep. Rohrabacher unfit for public office because of ‘anti-scientific zealotry’ — meanwhile public employee Mann says ‘proof not for science’