Warmists spread fear to Florida home sellers: ‘What I’m looking for is a climate-change denier with a lot of money’

The National Geographic reports: Continue reading Warmists spread fear to Florida home sellers: ‘What I’m looking for is a climate-change denier with a lot of money’

LATimes cartoonist frets sea level change — current rate for Los Angeles is 3.25 inches PER CENTURY

For his column “Climate change deniers live in ignorant bliss as seas keep rising,” LATimes cartoonist David Horsey drew this cartoon: Continue reading LATimes cartoonist frets sea level change — current rate for Los Angeles is 3.25 inches PER CENTURY

Media Matters gives Al-Jazeera ‘a slobbering wet kiss’ for unbalanced coverage of global warming

The Examiner reports: Continue reading Media Matters gives Al-Jazeera ‘a slobbering wet kiss’ for unbalanced coverage of global warming

Al Gore: Warmists ‘winning the conversation’ — Calif. Gov: Warmists ‘on losing end of contest of ideas’

Ozone Al vs. Gov. Moonbeam… who’s right? Continue reading Al Gore: Warmists ‘winning the conversation’ — Calif. Gov: Warmists ‘on losing end of contest of ideas’

Pat Michaels: IPCC Chooses Option No. 3 — ‘Do nothing and mislead policymakers and the rest of the world’

Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger write: Continue reading Pat Michaels: IPCC Chooses Option No. 3 — ‘Do nothing and mislead policymakers and the rest of the world’