1933 in 2013: Obama urges public to attack Senate opponents of EPA nominee for being ‘climate deniers’

What a difference 80 years doesn’t make.. Continue reading 1933 in 2013: Obama urges public to attack Senate opponents of EPA nominee for being ‘climate deniers’

Anti-salt activists silent in wake of major report debunking anti-salt campaign

Yesterday’s Institute of Medicine report exposing the lack of evidence behind calls to reduce sodium intake has dumbfounded the activists into silence. Continue reading Anti-salt activists silent in wake of major report debunking anti-salt campaign

Study: Gas ‘fracking’ in Arkansas not affecting groundwater

“Shale gas production in Arkansas has not contaminated groundwater, a study by Duke University and the U.S. Geological Survey indicates.” Continue reading Study: Gas ‘fracking’ in Arkansas not affecting groundwater

Bush EPA chief calls Senate GOP ‘sore losers’ for opposing EPA nominee

Consider the source…

… Christie Todd Whitman really didn’t know the difference between ozone depletion and global warming when she became EPA chief.

As I reported in my FOXNews.com column of January 5, 2001 (see below):

After being nominated [to be EPA administrator], [Christie Todd] Whitman was asked: “Global warming, what is your thought on what the state of science is and what can be done to address it?” She responded: “Still somewhat uncertain. Clearly there’s a hole in the ozone, that has been identified. But I saw a study the other day that showed that it was closing. It’s not as clear, the cause and effect, as we would like it to be.”

Read more at National Journal.

Warmist Laments in Salon: ‘Media indifference enables global warming’

“Carbon dioxide levels are as high as they’ve been in millions of years. Why isn’t this a bigger story?” Continue reading Warmist Laments in Salon: ‘Media indifference enables global warming’

April was coolest since 1997 — FLASHBACK: NOAA predicts warmer than average spring

April 2013 has no warming to show for the 35 ppm of CO2 added since 1997. Continue reading April was coolest since 1997 — FLASHBACK: NOAA predicts warmer than average spring