Feinstein to introduce bill banning 120 specific guns, including some handguns

Cites junk science, e.g., Maryland ban on “assault pistols” results in reduced police recovery of “assault pistols.” Continue reading Feinstein to introduce bill banning 120 specific guns, including some handguns

Human testing to come up during Senate confirmation of Jackson's replacement?

It happened to the Bush EPA-nominee Stephen Johnson. Continue reading Human testing to come up during Senate confirmation of Jackson's replacement?

BPA resin replacements may be more harmful

“Ironically, earlier this year, researchers pointed out that the chemical used to replace BPA for plastic baby bottles and reusable water bottles, known as Bisphenol S (BPS), is actually a more potent “endocrine disrupter” and that the human body does not metabolize BPS as easily!” Continue reading BPA resin replacements may be more harmful

Viv Forbes: UK gov't wins inaugural 'Gorebalism Award for Goofy Green Policies That Have Inconvenient Outcomes'

By Viv Forbes
December 27, 2012

Green politicians need to learn Newton’s Law of Government Regulations: – “Whenever government legislates to force an economic outcome, the long term effect will be equal and opposite to that intended.” Continue reading Viv Forbes: UK gov't wins inaugural 'Gorebalism Award for Goofy Green Policies That Have Inconvenient Outcomes'

New Hawaii senator: Global warming 'the most urgent challenge of our generation'

“The replacement for late Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye (D) said Wednesday that climate change is at the top of his legislative agenda.” Continue reading New Hawaii senator: Global warming 'the most urgent challenge of our generation'