EPA-funded Harvard researcher, NRDC admit Obama EPA broke law with human experiments

Green zeal to condemn the Trump EPA backfires and condemns the Obama EPA.

If PM2.5 is so dangerous, why did Harvard’s George Thurston and NRDC stay quiet while EPA pumped diesel exhaust into its human guinea pigs?

Continue reading EPA-funded Harvard researcher, NRDC admit Obama EPA broke law with human experiments

Winning!!! Clean Power Plan proposes JunkScience.com view that PM2.5 kills no one

Since July 2011, JunkScience.com has championed the view that PM2.5 in outdoor kills no one. Now that view has been adopted in the new EPA proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan.

Steve Milloy’s Washington Times op-ed, July 21, 2011.

Continue reading Winning!!! Clean Power Plan proposes JunkScience.com view that PM2.5 kills no one

NYTimes Rehashes Love Canal, Times Beach, Libby Montana in attack on Trump EPA

A Department of Justice alumnus dredges up bad examples for a New York Times attack on EPA chief Scott Pruitt.

Continue reading NYTimes Rehashes Love Canal, Times Beach, Libby Montana in attack on Trump EPA

Obama EPA holdover blames Trump EPA for lack of Superfund progress.

I can’t figure out whether Obama holdover EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins is dishonest or just incompetent.

USEPA Photo by Eric Vance

Continue reading Obama EPA holdover blames Trump EPA for lack of Superfund progress.