Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

That’s what the letter says. But it probably won’t be what you read in Fake News media accounts (ahem… Eric Lipton, I can’t wait for your report).

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Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions Are SAFE

Enviros are trying to derail the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards by claiming that increased tailpipe emissions will kill people. As readers know, this claims is total BS.

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Claim: Air pollution leads to millions of ER visits for asthma attacks worldwide

EPA human testing has already debunked this BS.

Idling truck pumping diesel exhaust into an EPA gas chamber containing an adult with, say, asthma or heart disease.

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Communist China-funded US enviro groups working to stop US military base on Okinawa

China is funding us green groups to harm our national security.

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WINNING!!! Science transparency moves to Department of Interior

The Department of Interior has just issued a science transparency directive to its staff (see below). DoI’s intention is to enshrine science transparency via rulemaking. Another YUGE win for us.

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Will the Trump Fuel Economy Reform Proposal Create Deadly Air Pollution?

Enviros are claiming the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards will kill people via increased tailpipe emissions. Is this true?

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Children are NOT more sensitive /vulnerable to chemicals in the environment

Let’s review the nonsense in today’s New York Times op-ed by notorious junk scientist goofballs Phil Landrigan (Mt. Sinai) and Lynn Goldman (George Washington University).

Mt. Sinai’s Phil Landrigan, a health scare dinosaur who admitted long ago that legally applied pesticides hurt no one.
GWU’s Lynn Goldman, who leaped to embrace the infamous 1996 Tulane University endocrine disrupter study that was eventually retracted as science fraud.

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It’s time to make cars great again, and Trump plan does just that

My op-ed in the Fresno Bee ahead of Monday’s public hearing on the Trump plan to rollback Obama’s pointless fuel economy standards.

Continue reading It’s time to make cars great again, and Trump plan does just that

Here’s why Volvo Trucks is trying to kill American-made glider trucks does better investigative reporting than New York Times‘ self-proclaimed ‘investigative reporter’ Eric Lipton.

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