Educating Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (Rajendra… who?)

Last week on his Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor” program, Bill O’Reilly did not recognize Rajendra Pachauri in a video clip, and asked repeatedly who he was. This was in his Wednesday 3/14 ‘Dennis Miller’ segment, where the two were joking about Al Gore’s latest antics (transcript here, video here, the Gore part starts at … Continue reading Educating Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (Rajendra… who?)

Pop Went the Climate Bubble

by Steve Milloy October 21, 2010, Human Events The New York Times’ editorial writers have apparently spent the last 11 months in a Rip Van Winkle-like state of unconsciousness when it comes to climate change. Monday‘s lead editorial, “In Climate Denial Again,” railed about the 19 of 20 or so Republican Senate candidates who do … Continue reading Pop Went the Climate Bubble

Beware of ‘post-partisan’ energy policy

Just as tea party activism is about to snatch American energy policy from the jaws of cap-and-trade, some on the right are already moving into “bipartisan” mode. The (often) conservative American Enterprise Institute has teamed up with the (liberal) Brookings Institution and the (self-described, “founded in 2003 to modernize liberal-progressive-green politics”) Breakthrough Institute to offer … Continue reading Beware of ‘post-partisan’ energy policy

Al Gore found! JunkScience gets exclusive photos of MIA alarmist

Missing global warming alarmist Al Gore was captured today in a pre-dawn raid on his remote tropical island hideout. The former vice president had been missing since the Copenhagen global warming conference last December, when he erroneously dismissed the Climategate scandal as having to do with e-mails that were 10 years old. Since Gore was … Continue reading Al Gore found! JunkScience gets exclusive photos of MIA alarmist