Recidivist of the day: Juliet Eilperin

Washington Post “reporter” Juliet Eilperin is back to her biased ways. When the paper’s ombudsman gave her a polite spanking for biased climate reporting last fall, he concluded by saying: It’s a close call, but I think she should stay on the beat. With her work now getting special scrutiny, it will become clear if … Continue reading Recidivist of the day: Juliet Eilperin

Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

New York Times reporter Andrew Revkin is moving to repair his relationship with alarmists after being stung by their expressed distrust. In one of the notorious Climategate e-mails, hokey stick fabricator Michael Mann notes that Revkin is “not as predictable as we’d like.” Revkin moved to repair that breach of trust in his article today, … Continue reading Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

New York Times reporter Andrew Revkin is moving to repair his relationship with alarmists after being stung by their expressed distrust. In one of the notorious Climategate e-mails, hokey stick fabricator Michael Mann notes that Revkin is “not as predictable as we’d like.” Revkin moved to repair that breach of trust in his article today, … Continue reading Apres le whitewash: Revkin aims for Climategaters’ good graces

Green-on-Green Violence

By Steve Milloy December 04, 2008, The activist group Environmental Defense got a taste of what it used to dish out this week when its Washington, D.C., offices were invaded by another green group, the Global Justice Ecology Project. The Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) essentially accused Environmental Defense (ED) of collaborating with the … Continue reading Green-on-Green Violence