Is This How You Feel? (Climategate 2.0 Edition)

In a maudlin effort to advance warmism, the web site Is This How You Feel presents handwritten notes from 25 warmists, including Michael Mann and Kevin Trenberth, expressing how they “feel” about global warming. Below are some expressions of warmist feelings from Climategate 2.0:

Ross Gelbspan is Still Not a Pulitzer Winner (not even for just 4 Days) [*5/6/14 update, an ongoing label fumble]

What we have is a classic case of “now you see it, now you don’t”…. an egregiously incorrect accolade for global warming alarmist book author Ross Gelbspan that has now disappeared without explanation from an article at the highly regarded Columbia Journalism Review. [5/6/14 update now at 7th paragraph – the plot thickens]

Dark Money and Climate Advocacy

There is some blow hard named Brulle, a sociologist from Drexel U in Philly (gee, wonder if he’s a lefty?) who claims that 1 billion is being spent by eveeeel capitalists in opposition to warmers. Damn it, so far, none of that money has gotten to me and I fight the warmers all the time.