Skeptic 'will eat his shorts on live TV' if neutrino researchers are right

“Jim Al-Khalili, Professor of Physics at the University of Surrey, said: ‘Let me put my money where my mouth is: if the CERN experiment proves to be correct and neutrinos have broken the speed of light, I will eat my boxer shorts on live TV.’ reports The Daily Mail.

NYTimes: DOE loan program has 'performed well'

Poor math skills may explain why the New York Times is apparently okay with green jobs that cost $5 million each — and check out our prescription for solar industry success. Continue reading NYTimes: DOE loan program has 'performed well'

Heavy Rains for Obama's Solar Decathalon

Solar pipedreamers and schemers are learning that when it rains, it pours. First it was physics and economics; then Solyndra and now it’s a rainy weekend in Washington DC for the Department of Energy’s Solar Decathalon. The Weekly Standard has the story. Don’t hurt yourself laughing.

TRAIN passes house; Will it stop in the Senate?

The TRAIN Act to require cost-benefit analysis of EPA regs passed the House 249-169. Without a big push on Democrat Senators, however, it’s likely to die in the Senate. Rather than shut the government down over disaster aid and clean energy funding, Republicans should shut it down over the malignant Obama EPA.

Kozlovich on bedbugs: Embrace chemistry or pestilence

“The answer to this problem in 1946 was effective, inexpensive, easy to use chemistry that was available to everyone. If that isn’t the answer to our current problem there will be no answer” writes pest management professional Rich Kozlovich.

Kudos to Cain: Calls for EPA do over

At the GOP Presidential debate tonight, Herman Cain was asked, if he had to get rid of a federal agency, which would it be and why. Cain said he would get rid of the EPA because it had “gone wild.” Disappointingly, other than Rick Perry’s fleeting mention of the the job-killing EPA, no other candidate took aim at the EPA.

The Ed Markey-Lisa Jackson Clown Show: EPA could save 572,000 lives per year with air rules

Here’s the transcript and video of today’s House hearing colloquy between Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and EPA chief Lisa Jackson in which Jackson says that EPA air rules could save as many lives as a cure for cancer. Continue reading The Ed Markey-Lisa Jackson Clown Show: EPA could save 572,000 lives per year with air rules

Debunked: Children more vulnerable to air pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency and its enviro allies claim that children are more vulnerable to air pollution than adults. Real data, now revealed for the first time, debunks this notion. Continue reading Debunked: Children more vulnerable to air pollution