Tooley: Green Evangelicals ‘Masquerade’ New EPA Rule as ‘Pro-Life’

“Expanding the definition of “pro-life” to include environmentalism, for starts, ultimately neutralizes the label altogether.” Continue reading Tooley: Green Evangelicals ‘Masquerade’ New EPA Rule as ‘Pro-Life’

West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

“Morgantown City Council will convene for a special meeting Monday to reconsider a controversial resolution passed last week that supports the federal Environmental Protection Agency.” Continue reading West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

WashPost: Obama administration slows environmental rules as it weighs political cost

“Obama, Gingrich said, ‘has an Environmental Protection Agency proposal that would raise the price of gasoline by 25 cents a gallon.'” Continue reading WashPost: Obama administration slows environmental rules as it weighs political cost