Study: Plastic bag bans hurt store sales

“A study from the National Center for Policy Analysis claims that a ban on plastic bags used by grocers and retailers can negatively impact sales in the ban area and increase sales among stores just outside the bag ban region.” Continue reading Study: Plastic bag bans hurt store sales

NYTimes: The Cosmetics Wars

The enviros are attacking cosmetic companies which are rushing to reformulate but will likley only wind up creating inferior products. Given the necessity of high-quality makeup to modern life, the question is this: how long will women put up with the enviro junk science and the cowardly cosmetic companies that won’t fight back? Continue reading NYTimes: The Cosmetics Wars

UK: Horsemeat containing carcinogenic drug ‘may have entered food chain’

“Labour claims it has evidence that several horses slaughtered in UK last year tested positive for ‘bute’ or phenylbutazone.” Continue reading UK: Horsemeat containing carcinogenic drug ‘may have entered food chain’

Study casts doubt on link between cannabis, teen IQ drop

Defense of dope smoking brings out epidemiological skeptics. And why wouldn’t these criticisms also be true for the lead-IQ claims? Continue reading Study casts doubt on link between cannabis, teen IQ drop