Report: Short-term exposure to most major air pollutants associated with increased risk of heart attack

Donora debunks this study. Continue reading Report: Short-term exposure to most major air pollutants associated with increased risk of heart attack

Environmental groups to sue over emissions from Homer City plant

The enviros claim the plant contributes to 43 premature deaths, 72 heart attacks and 660 asthma attacks annually. Show us one, please. Continue reading Environmental groups to sue over emissions from Homer City plant

West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

“Morgantown City Council will convene for a special meeting Monday to reconsider a controversial resolution passed last week that supports the federal Environmental Protection Agency.” Continue reading West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

WashPost: Obama administration slows environmental rules as it weighs political cost

“Obama, Gingrich said, ‘has an Environmental Protection Agency proposal that would raise the price of gasoline by 25 cents a gallon.'” Continue reading WashPost: Obama administration slows environmental rules as it weighs political cost

Kathleen White: EPA rules burden economy with billions in costs

“Absent decisive congressional action, it may be many years before our economy digs out from the crushing cost of the EPA’s regulatory avalanche.” Continue reading Kathleen White: EPA rules burden economy with billions in costs