EPA human experiments debunk notion of 'killer' air pollution: Agency hides exculpatory results

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has conducted air pollution experiments on live human subjects that discredit its claims that fine particulate matter kills people.

JunkScience.com obtained the explosive and heretofore undisclosed results through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and reveal them here for the first time. Continue reading EPA human experiments debunk notion of 'killer' air pollution: Agency hides exculpatory results

Arnett: Shades of EPA: The Flawed Human Health Effects Epidemiology in the California Air Resources Board’s Diesel Truck Emission Rules

“The CARB’s diesel exhaust regulation is based on flawed science and will produce little or no reduction in premature death.” Continue reading Arnett: Shades of EPA: The Flawed Human Health Effects Epidemiology in the California Air Resources Board’s Diesel Truck Emission Rules

Ozone, Asthma Hospitalizations Not Linked in Los Angeles 2009-2011


Average and maximum ground-level ozone measurements were not correlated with emergency admissions for asthma at a large Los Angeles hospital during 2009-2011. Continue reading Ozone, Asthma Hospitalizations Not Linked in Los Angeles 2009-2011

EPA regulations eliminate more than 1,850 jobs

“EPA’s Gina McCarthy once predicted that the MATS rule would generate 8,000 to 46,000 jobs. Rather than undertake expensive retrofits, more than two dozen plants simply closed.” Continue reading EPA regulations eliminate more than 1,850 jobs

EPA's Jackson to Boxer: Air pollution link with asthma hospitalizations, premature death 'not speculative'

From today’s Senate EPW hearing on the EPA budget. JunkScience will soon blow these claims out of the water (again). Continue reading EPA's Jackson to Boxer: Air pollution link with asthma hospitalizations, premature death 'not speculative'

Live Hearing: Senate EPW Committee on EPA mercury rule

“Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety hearing entitled, ‘Oversight: Review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants’.” Continue reading Live Hearing: Senate EPW Committee on EPA mercury rule