Here is my address this morning to ExxonMobil management and shareholders at the annual meeting in support of my shareholder proposal to end all political activist shareholder proposals.
Month: May 2017
NYTimes: Mapping 50 Years of Melting Ice in Glacier National Park
Glaciers receding… but local temperatures not rising.
Continue reading NYTimes: Mapping 50 Years of Melting Ice in Glacier National Park
Warmists fiddle historic sea level change data
Past sea-level change is imagined downward. Therefore, sea level change is accelerating.
Continue reading Warmists fiddle historic sea level change data
LNT-driven radiation scare kicked in teeth again
Space preserved mouse sperm (exposed to radiation 100 times stronger than on Earth) produced healthy offspring, reports a new study in PNAS.
Continue reading LNT-driven radiation scare kicked in teeth again
Claim: Air pollution may disrupt sleep
Oil And Climate Alarmism Don’t Mix For Shareholders
My Investor’s Business Daily op-ed about my ExxonMobil shareholder proposal to send all climate activist shareholders.
Continue reading Oil And Climate Alarmism Don’t Mix For Shareholders
Political science: EPA employees try to sabotage GOP efforts to cut EPA funding?
Does a new study link “pollution” with cancer — or the just junkiest of statistics with opponents of EPA budget cuts?
Continue reading Political science: EPA employees try to sabotage GOP efforts to cut EPA funding?
Claim: Controlling ‘short-lived climate pollutants’ (like soot) would save millions of lives
No… controlling soot (i.e., PM2.5) won’t “keep millions of people from dying.”
Claim: Global warming pause ‘does not change our understanding of the influence of human activity on long-term warming’
Of course… it means nothing that even the manipulated temperature data declined while greenhouse gas levels increased substantially — and that it took an El Nino to reverse the downward trend. Why learn from observations? At least they admit there was a pause.
EPA petitioned to reconsider greenhouse gas endangerment finding
Just filed by the Texas Public Policy Foundation on behalf of California trucking, construction and oil groups.
Continue reading EPA petitioned to reconsider greenhouse gas endangerment finding
Leaked: State Department memo on withdrawing from Paris climate agreement
The State Department wants to stay in Paris.
Continue reading Leaked: State Department memo on withdrawing from Paris climate agreement
No NYTimes, Arctic ice is not ‘vanishing’
Here’s the fake news headline:
Here’s the reality: