Alarmist ocean acidification study self-debunking: Mollusks obviously survived high CO2 250 million years ago, why not today?

“We compared our results with the widespread deaths of species around 250 and 55 million years ago when CO2 concentrations were also elevated. Despite the relatively rough statements we were able to make with the assistance of sediment samples from the past, we discovered similar sensitivities in the same animal taxa”, explains Prof. Hans-Otto Pörtner. The spread of the corals and the size of the reefs slumped drastically 55 million years ago whilst fish exhibited a great adaptive capacity and were able to further extend their dominance.” Continue reading Alarmist ocean acidification study self-debunking: Mollusks obviously survived high CO2 250 million years ago, why not today?

FLASHBACK: Climategaters assail intellectual honesty of Michael Mann’s hokey stick

An article in The Week Magazine resurrecting Christopher Bretherton’s attack on Richard Lindzen’s “intellectual honesty” prompted this review of some choice Climategate 2.0 moments. Continue reading FLASHBACK: Climategaters assail intellectual honesty of Michael Mann’s hokey stick

NO… wind and solar are not viable without subsidies

Past the generation-consumption distinction, U.S. wind and solar are subsidized 88 times and 1,211 times, respectively, more per megawatt-hour than coal. Continue reading NO… wind and solar are not viable without subsidies

WaPo columnist Dana Milbank: ‘ Gore not killing the effort on global warming because it’s dead already’

CNN’s The Lead reports: Continue reading WaPo columnist Dana Milbank: ‘ Gore not killing the effort on global warming because it’s dead already’

No Joke: Empty-headed New York Times food columnist Mark @Bittman attacks nuclear energy as unsafe

Mark Bittman writes at the NYTimes: Continue reading No Joke: Empty-headed New York Times food columnist Mark @Bittman attacks nuclear energy as unsafe

Ohio Public Health Nanny: Only elites ‘grasp the immediate and local threat of a matter as vast as climate change’

The Chillicothe Gazette reports: Continue reading Ohio Public Health Nanny: Only elites ‘grasp the immediate and local threat of a matter as vast as climate change’