UC Berkeley no longer willing to fund Tyrone Hayes’ junk science jihad against pesticide; Hayes threatens lawsuit; 100,000 frogs in danger

And where’s PETA? Hayes has used 100,000 frogs in his “research.” Amphibians in decline? No, they’re all in Hayes’ cages! Continue reading UC Berkeley no longer willing to fund Tyrone Hayes’ junk science jihad against pesticide; Hayes threatens lawsuit; 100,000 frogs in danger

Steve Milloy exposes Michael Mann’s own words — Mann melts down in another Twitter fit

Earlier today, JunkScience spotlighted Michael Mann’s ridiculous statement that: Continue reading Steve Milloy exposes Michael Mann’s own words — Mann melts down in another Twitter fit

Kevin Trenberth downgrades global warming to just a ‘hotspot’ that moves ‘unpredictably’

Kevin Trenberth told ClimateProgress’ Joe Romm: Continue reading Kevin Trenberth downgrades global warming to just a ‘hotspot’ that moves ‘unpredictably’

Michael Mann: ‘Primary cause’ of climate change is fossil fuel burning

So how did it change before the fossil fuel era? And where is the global warming for the last 17 years? Continue reading Michael Mann: ‘Primary cause’ of climate change is fossil fuel burning

JunkScience clown caught blogging with Al Gore mask; Banned by Denier Assn; Warmists ask Justice for climate rights inquiry

How embarrassing… Continue reading JunkScience clown caught blogging with Al Gore mask; Banned by Denier Assn; Warmists ask Justice for climate rights inquiry

Sayonara Warming-san: 3 reasons why Japanese interest in global warming ebbing, says Japanese university president

Shiga University president Takamitsu Sawa writes in the Japan Times: Continue reading Sayonara Warming-san: 3 reasons why Japanese interest in global warming ebbing, says Japanese university president

IPCC’s 95% confidence ‘isn’t really calculated in any way. It’s literally pulled out of the air’

Luboš Motl writes at the Reference Frame: Continue reading IPCC’s 95% confidence ‘isn’t really calculated in any way. It’s literally pulled out of the air’

Clinton EPA chief: Maryland emissions cuts would prevent a Superstorm Sandy from ‘pounding’ state

Carol Browner writes in the Baltimore Sun: Continue reading Clinton EPA chief: Maryland emissions cuts would prevent a Superstorm Sandy from ‘pounding’ state