Nonsensus: Only 65 of 12,000 papers agree with IPCC that most warming manmade, says Friends of Science

“In response to multiple inquiries from media and global warming advocates, Friends of Science issue this release to expose the statistical manipulation evident from the break down of the Cook et al paper.” Continue reading Nonsensus: Only 65 of 12,000 papers agree with IPCC that most warming manmade, says Friends of Science

Steve Milloy dishes on environmentalism on C-SPAN TV — Monday, May 27, 6:05 pm ET

Steve Milloy, the founder and publisher of, gives a conservative view on environmentalism and academia. The National Association of Scholars hosted this event in New York City, marking the 25th anniversary of that organization. Continue reading Steve Milloy dishes on environmentalism on C-SPAN TV — Monday, May 27, 6:05 pm ET

Global Warming Skeptics Rebut Face the Nation Segment on Climate Change and Moore Tornado

CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday spent fifteen minutes discussing climate change and amongst other things its impact on tornadoes – in particular the EF-5 that hit Moore, Oklahoma, last week… As not one global warming skeptic was invited to participate in the panel… Continue reading Global Warming Skeptics Rebut Face the Nation Segment on Climate Change and Moore Tornado

UTexas warmist: Anti-science politicians only in the U.S. and Islamic nations

From an Austin American-Statesman report on University of Texas “star climatologist” Camille Parmesan: Continue reading UTexas warmist: Anti-science politicians only in the U.S. and Islamic nations

UK Met Office admits claims of significant temperature rise untenable

“The issue here is the claim that “the temperature rise since about 1880 is statistically significant”, which was made by the Met Office in response to the original Question (HL3050). The basis for that claim has now been effectively acknowledged to be untenable. Possibly there is some other basis for the claim, but that seems extremely implausible: the claim does not seem to have any valid basis.” Continue reading UK Met Office admits claims of significant temperature rise untenable

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Blaming extreme weather on global warming is extreme nonsense

“Right now we’re seeing the same kind of major events on a regional scale that occurred the last time the Pacific Ocean shifted its temperature phase from warm to cold when the Atlantic was in a warm phase, and globally, the Earth’s temps have fallen about .05C in the last four years.” Continue reading Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Blaming extreme weather on global warming is extreme nonsense