Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation

The Center for Science in the Public Interest Michael Jacobson’s head is spinning after the Institute of Medicine exposed the junk science behind his call for dramatically reduced sodium intake. Continue reading Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation

Bill Nye the Science Fool: Higher average global temperature provides heat for tornados

Though no one knows where and when mean global temperature occurs or what it might mean (if anything), Bill Nye the Science Guy says it fueled the Oklahoma tornado. Continue reading Bill Nye the Science Fool: Higher average global temperature provides heat for tornados

Gov. Christie angers enviros: ‘No proof that Sandy was caused by climate change’

Chris Christie is a warmist — but that’s not good enough for the cult. You must stick to the entire warmist script or you may as well be a denier. Continue reading Gov. Christie angers enviros: ‘No proof that Sandy was caused by climate change’

Enviro Mocks: We can’t yet blame climate for deadly Oklahoma tornados so we’ll blame denier Sarah Palin

What a twisted cult of creeps. Continue reading Enviro Mocks: We can’t yet blame climate for deadly Oklahoma tornados so we’ll blame denier Sarah Palin

Dem. Sen. Whitehouse uses Oklahoma tornado for anti-GOP global warming rant

“While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.” Continue reading Dem. Sen. Whitehouse uses Oklahoma tornado for anti-GOP global warming rant

Democracy Now! recycles 2011 quotes for Oklahoma tornado

Democracy Now reports:

“It is irresponsible not to mention climate change,” said Kevin Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, in 2011 after a series of large tornadoes. “The environment in which all of these storms and the tornadoes are occurring has changed from human influences.” founder Bill McKibben appeared on Democracy Now! in May 2011, the deadliest year for tornado outbreaks in the United States since 1953, with more than 500 people killed.

“What’s happening is we’re making the earth a more dynamic and violent place. That’s, in essence, what global warming is about,” McKibben said. “We’re trapping more of the sun’s energy in this narrow envelope of atmosphere, and that’s now expressing itself in many way. We don’t know for sure that any particular tornado comes from climate change. There have always been tornadoes. We do know that we’re seeing epic levels of thunderstorm activity, of flooding, of drought, of all the things that climatologists have been warning us about.”

First Blood: Wonkette blog unleashes profanity-filled screed at Sen. Inhofe, skeptics over Oklahoma tornado

Appalling. Continue reading First Blood: Wonkette blog unleashes profanity-filled screed at Sen. Inhofe, skeptics over Oklahoma tornado