Michael Mann-child Whine: Criticizing me proves I’m right, so there!

Upset that critics have commented on a Yale Alumni Magazine puff piece, the ever-petulant Mann-child wheets (whine + tweet): Continue reading Michael Mann-child Whine: Criticizing me proves I’m right, so there!

Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development

Reminds me of the infamous enviro sentiment concerning the use of DDT to control malaria in Africa: The poor are “better off dead than riotously reproducing.” Continue reading Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development

Animal Rights: PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year; Almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity’s American shelter

“[PETA] Only placed 19 in new homes according to the data submitted to the Virginia Department for Agriculture and Consumer Services.” Continue reading Animal Rights: PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year; Almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity’s American shelter

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Hot, hot, hot? Not, not, not! Another flawed global warming study

“Like ‘scientists’ manipulating data to fit preordained conclusions, The New York Times and other mainstream media hyped a new study’s climate-clucking claims while ignoring its methodology’s fatal flaws.” Continue reading Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Hot, hot, hot? Not, not, not! Another flawed global warming study

ICYMI: Today was the UN’s first International Day of Happiness — Need to ‘live in harmony with nature’ and commit to ‘sustainable development’

Agenda 21 = Happiness? Continue reading ICYMI: Today was the UN’s first International Day of Happiness — Need to ‘live in harmony with nature’ and commit to ‘sustainable development’

BHO is the new LBJ: Left-wing activists to protest Keystone XL at upcoming posh SanFran Obama fundraisers

The Keystone XL is Obama’s Vietnam. His decision on the pipeline could be as momentous for his presidency as the Tet offensive was for LBJ. No wonder he put it off until his second term. Continue reading BHO is the new LBJ: Left-wing activists to protest Keystone XL at upcoming posh SanFran Obama fundraisers

Weather Service Chief Admits: Not ‘enough cases of extreme weather yet to prove the [global warming] hypothesis’

Louis Uccinelli still buys into Hansen’s ‘loaded dice hypothesis.’ Stick to the weather, Louis. That’s difficult enough for you. Continue reading Weather Service Chief Admits: Not ‘enough cases of extreme weather yet to prove the [global warming] hypothesis’

UMichigan prof likens fighting skeptics to fighting slave traders; Says skeptics think of enviros as ‘borderline communists’; Borderline?

“Many climate sceptics do not trust environmentalists because they consider them ‘borderline communists’ who want to curtail people’s freedom, a leading US social scientist says.” Borderline? Continue reading UMichigan prof likens fighting skeptics to fighting slave traders; Says skeptics think of enviros as ‘borderline communists’; Borderline?

EPA sued for $2 million by human testing victim; Injured by exposures to high levels of chlorine, diesel exhaust and ozone — without informed consent

Here’s the Greenwire report. Continue reading EPA sued for $2 million by human testing victim; Injured by exposures to high levels of chlorine, diesel exhaust and ozone — without informed consent

Mercury in Fillings: Common test may overestimate exposure from dental amalgam

“These results challenge the common assumption that mercury in urine is entirely derived from inhaled mercury vapor.” Continue reading Mercury in Fillings: Common test may overestimate exposure from dental amalgam