Flagship Daily DIE WELT Stuns Germany: ‘Scientists Warn Of Ice Age’, Cites New Peer-Reviewed Russian Study

“The lethal “100-year, record-smashing” spring cold and snow spreading across Europe over the past month has for the most part been avoided like the plague by Germany’s mainstream media. The silence over the record cold and frost, which has killed thousands and cost billions, has been ear-ringing.” Continue reading Flagship Daily DIE WELT Stuns Germany: ‘Scientists Warn Of Ice Age’, Cites New Peer-Reviewed Russian Study

Petulant Chicken Alert: Michael Mann-child snidely declines to debate Roy Spencer on FOX

It’s much easier to go on Australian TV unopposed and accuse skeptics of bioterrorism. Continue reading Petulant Chicken Alert: Michael Mann-child snidely declines to debate Roy Spencer on FOX

Warmists: It snowed in DC today because of Arctic sea ice loss

“Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice.” Continue reading Warmists: It snowed in DC today because of Arctic sea ice loss

GOP campaign arm tells Obama to ‘condemn’ Organizing for Action anti-Keystone XL e-mail

“The House GOP’s political arm is challenging President Obama to distance himself from an email sent by Organizing for Action (OFA) — the advocacy group borne from his reelection campaign — that criticized legislation supporting the Keystone XL oil pipeline.” Continue reading GOP campaign arm tells Obama to ‘condemn’ Organizing for Action anti-Keystone XL e-mail