Deutsche Bank co-CEO drawn into C02 tax evasion probe

“Prosecutors said they were investigating 25 bank staff on suspicion of severe tax evasion, money laundering and obstruction of justice, and searched the headquarters and private residences in Berlin, Duesseldorf and Frankfurt.” [Reuters]

EPA tightens PM2.5 standards; Milloy not allowed to ask Lisa Jackson about human testing

Arrogance in action. Questioning of EPA administrator Lisa Jackson conveniently ended while I was in the question queue. The last person allowed to ask a question said he had no question because his question had already been answered. EPA then abruptly ended questioning though I and possibly others were still in queue. At that point, EPA had only answered six friendly non-questions questions from major media including, the NYTimes, WashPost, AP, Reuters, and National Journal. [AP report on new PM2.5 standard]

Walgreens Fined $16.6 Million for Landfilling Pesticides, Bleach, Paint, and More in East Bay

It is, of course, perfectly legal for individuals to “dump” pesticides and bleach into the environment — at least Walgreens’ “dumping” was into a lined and monitored landfill. Continue reading Walgreens Fined $16.6 Million for Landfilling Pesticides, Bleach, Paint, and More in East Bay

IPCC AR5 draft report leaked: Enviros panic on admission of enhanced solar forcing

Alec Rawls participated in “expert review” of the Second Order Draft of AR5 (the next IPCC report), Working Group 1 [“The Scientific Basis”), and is now making the full draft available to the public. [WattsUpWithThat] [Guardian report]

House calls on Obama EPA to release secret data behind looming air rule

“Prior to finalizing the new rule, the Committee leaders said “it is essential that EPA and the White House make the underlying data linking PM2.5 and mortality publicly available in a manner sufficient for analysis by independent scientists and researchers.” [House Science Committee]