EPA regulations eliminate more than 1,850 jobs

“EPA’s Gina McCarthy once predicted that the MATS rule would generate 8,000 to 46,000 jobs. Rather than undertake expensive retrofits, more than two dozen plants simply closed.” Continue reading EPA regulations eliminate more than 1,850 jobs

Actress Capshaw: Inhofe effort to undo EPA mercury rule 'immoral and unsafe'

Vacuum-packed Jessica Capshaw doesn’t realize that ambient mercury in California air (which is not dangerous in the first place) comes from Mother Nature and China. Continue reading Actress Capshaw: Inhofe effort to undo EPA mercury rule 'immoral and unsafe'

NRDC: Not for whites only — but almost

Keying off our post yesterday about Native American enviro Tom Goldtooth’s criticism that U.S. environmental groups practiced exclusionary racism, we decided to check to see if the accusation was true. Here’s what we found for the Natural Resources Defense Council. Continue reading NRDC: Not for whites only — but almost