So-called “Deniergate” will actually further wreck the alarmist cause. Continue reading Revkin Finds Journalism Religion AFTER Posting Fraudulent Document
Month: February 2012
Spiegel: The EU’s Emissions Trading System Isn’t Working
Not very nice birthday tidings on Kyoto’s seventh anniversary. Continue reading Spiegel: The EU’s Emissions Trading System Isn’t Working
Could hurricanes wreck $700 million offshore wind farms in U.S.?
Experts predict HALF of proposed turbines will be ruined in 20 years. Continue reading Could hurricanes wreck $700 million offshore wind farms in U.S.?
Inhofe introduces measure to stop EPA mercury rule
“Senate Democrats claim they want to rein in the Obama-EPA; It’s time to actually do it.” Continue reading Inhofe introduces measure to stop EPA mercury rule
Lott: David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy
“And now, with the Daily Caller’s revelations this week, Brock joins a long line of gun control advocates who take the “do as I say, not as I do” approach to guns.” Continue reading Lott: David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy
Romney’s Subtle Skepticism
He’s no Rick Santorum — yet. Continue reading Romney’s Subtle Skepticism
Ochenski: The Rot in Gang Green
“The Sierra Club actually had another $30 million in natural gas donations lined up when the news about the initial $25 million began to leak.” Continue reading Ochenski: The Rot in Gang Green
Motl: Heartland Institute and skepticism: is that a scandal?
“The only detailed information that went beyond my – and public – knowledge was the insight that a single generous and wealthy anonymous donor contributed $8.6 million to the Heartland’s climate causes… If she or he happens to be reading these lines, she or he may notice that a piglet to donate via PayPal is at the bottom. Continue reading Motl: Heartland Institute and skepticism: is that a scandal?
Briggs: Heartland Documents Leaked, Massaged, Faked
“And what about government funds? They’re in the billions and billions, as Carl Sagan might not have said.” Continue reading Briggs: Heartland Documents Leaked, Massaged, Faked
NOAA: January was 19th warmest
And that’s with the upward bias. Continue reading NOAA: January was 19th warmest
US Attorney springs ‘Gasland’ creep
The U.S. Attorney is a Democrat, after all. Continue reading US Attorney springs ‘Gasland’ creep
Spencer: I Heart Heartland
“Supporting alternative hypotheses in science…what a scandal!” Continue reading Spencer: I Heart Heartland