Liberal group compiles hit list of TV meteorologist climate change skeptics

“American Met Society urged to open re-education camps for wayward on-air meteorologists who deny extreme leftist agenda.” Continue reading Liberal group compiles hit list of TV meteorologist climate change skeptics

Penn State Climate ‘Ethicist’ Acts Unethically, Part II: Don’t derail the global warming gravy train

by Russell Cook
January 24, 2012,

Just days ago, Steve Milloy did us the favor of slogging through another of Penn State climate ‘ethicist’ Donald Brown’s articles, noting how Brown rather unethically left out a critical debate point in favor of pursuing disinformation. Continue reading Penn State Climate ‘Ethicist’ Acts Unethically, Part II: Don’t derail the global warming gravy train

Surber: Al to declare no polar bears in Antarctica

“Al Gore, James Hansen of NASA and others are headed way down south to Antarctica to spread half-truths about the South Pole melting. Look for Al to declare that there are no polar bears in Antarctica! Oh the shame.” Continue reading Surber: Al to declare no polar bears in Antarctica