Bachmann: Radical greens blocking energy development

“Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann claimed Saturday that the United States has more fuel resources than any other country, but blamed what she termed “radical environmentalists” for bottling up American energy policy, reports the Washington Post.

Green on green violence: Politico smacks down's Bill McKibben founder Bill McKibben’s effort to link Hurricane Irene with global warming is so outrageous that even Politico called him on it. Continue reading Green on green violence: Politico smacks down's Bill McKibben

Gore: Fighting skeptics like fighting racism

Not wanting to be outdone by James Hansen in this week’s climate lunacy contest and apparently envious of Martin Luther King’s new monument on the Washington DC mall, Al Gore likened the battle against climate skeptics to the civil rights struggle against racism: Continue reading Gore: Fighting skeptics like fighting racism

Hurricane Barack: EPA ready to destroy what Irene misses

“Regardless of track and intensity, Hurricane Irene will cause extensive tree and power line damage. Electricity infrastructure will be greatly compromised for millions if not tens of millions of Americans,” predicts the Weather Channel. And as as pointed out by the National Mining Association, what’s left will be compromised even further by the Obama EPA.