Elections have consequences… even with EPA’s illegal human experiments

The election of Donald Trump seems to have sent some sort of shock wave through EPA’s Office of Inspector General in the saga over EPA’s illegal human experiments.

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EPA nominee Pruitt doubles down on climate skepticism

“EPA administrator nominee Scott Pruitt yesterday sent 242 pages of responses to questions from Democratic senators, doubling down on his stances that the severity of climate change is up for debate and that the agency he would run has overstepped its congressional mandate.”

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UCalifornia profs warned not to use school resources for personal attacks on President Trump

Wanna-be political activists masquerading as professors should not be using their taxpayer-funded day jobs as a perch from which to spout their politics.

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Report: Skeptic climate petition validated as effective tool in battle against climate alarmism

31,000-skeptic-strong Oregon petition was deemed by warmists to be the most compelling’ message against climate bedwetting.

CT = Persuasive effect of bed climate wetting message
CM = Persuasive effect of Oregon Petition Project
CT|CM = Net effect of hearing both messages
Continue reading Report: Skeptic climate petition validated as effective tool in battle against climate alarmism

Double Standard: Financial ties between researchers and drug industry linked to positive trial results

So where is a similar report for climate, EPA-funded and other government-funded ‘researchers’?

Continue reading Double Standard: Financial ties between researchers and drug industry linked to positive trial results

Report: 33% of adults recently diagnosed with asthma do not have it

Duh… I wrote about the phenomenon of asthma overdiagnosis 14 years ago… and what are the implications for EPA air pollution junk science? Continue reading Report: 33% of adults recently diagnosed with asthma do not have it