Claim: Sinking ground in San Francisco Bay will worsen flooding from rising sea levels

Sinking, yes. Sea level rise, no.

Foster City and San Francisco International Airport both have high economic value combined with heightened risk from flooding by 2100. Areas in dark blue indicate where the local land is sinking (LLS), yellow shows what is at risk from sea-level rise (SLR), and areas in red show the impact of both processes combined.

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Oops… Volvo lobbyist (literally) wrote the letter for congressman to press EPA against repeal of glider rule

West Virginia Congressman Evan Jenkins (R-Volvo) should run away from the ongoing swamp effort to kill the glider truck industry.

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Russkies meddling in US energy and climate policy, says Congress

Paging Robert Mueller…

“It is clear that Russian agents are using social media to influence and impact U.S. energy markets. Regardless of one’s political or ideological views surrounding U.S. energy policy and climate change, the American people deserve to be free from foreign political interference.” Click here for the report.

Guidelines to the Epidemiology of Weak Associations

Here is a 1987 article from the great Ernst Wynder (1922-1999) author of the first large-scale study to link smoking with lung cancer. In the 1987 article, Wynder discusses the problems of drawing causal connections based on weak association epidemiology. Readers of this page know that weak association epidemiology has long been abused by government regulators, especially the EPA (Read “Scare Pollution” for a thorough treatment of this point). That’s why has petitioned President Trump to issue standards for the use of epidemiology by regulatory agencies. This article is the introductory one to a 1985 workshop on weak associations published in Preventative Medicine in 1987.

Swamp desperate to stop Trump repeal of Obama EPA death sentence for glider trucks

The new truck industry is pulling out all the stops to kill off glider trucks. It thought the Obama EPA had accomplished the task. But the Trump EPA is now undoing the Obama rule. So the new truck industry and its radical green allies are breaking china — even pressuring a scientist to accuse himself of misconduct. I have never seen anything like this in my 27+ years of work on EPA issues. Check this out.

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FLASHBACK: Russian meddling circa 1943 via the NYTimes

The full-page ad below was run by the Communist Party USA in the New York Times on February 24, 1943. The featured author is CPUSA head Earl Browder (grandfather of ex-US citizen Bill Browder of Magnitsky Act fame). The purpose of the ad is to convince Americans that the Soviet Union is not subverting the US government or policy. At the time, it was not generally known that Browder was a paid Soviet agent and the CPUSA was a Soviet-sponsored front group.

So imagine the impact of a $100,000 worth of mostly post-election Facebook ads in 2016 vs. the impact of a full-page in in the paper of record before TV or the Internet.

Download/save the ad (which is broken into three separate images) and open the images in your browser so you can read it.