Trump nominee Judge Kavanaugh: EPA must do cost-benefit analysis

This is the case about the EPA’s junk science-fueled Mercury Air Toxics Standard (MATS) — the rule that broke the back of the coal industry.

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Trump nominee Kavanaugh may not be a climate skeptic… but here’s why that’s okay!

Here is what Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has had to say about global warming in DC Circuit Court of Appeals decisions.

Continue reading Trump nominee Kavanaugh may not be a climate skeptic… but here’s why that’s okay!

Study: Cancer risk from chemicals, radiation not additive to background risk

The great Ed Calabrese is sweeping another default assumption of regulatory risk assessment into the ash bin of history.

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Get rid of the LNT model for low-dose radiation protection, says Public Health Service radiation safety expert

More than one thousand people died from low-dose radiation panic at Fukushima — thanks to the LNT hypothesis adopted via scientific misconduct.

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Congress asks EPA IG to investigate conspiracy between Volvo Trucks and Obama EPA staff to destroy glider truck industry

You mean there’s problem with a (foreign) company conspiring with the U.S. government to rig emissions tests to kill a (domestic) competitor?

When will NYTimes Pulitzer Prize winner, self-styled ‘investigative reporter’ and Volvo Trucks-water carrier Eric Lipton report on this?

Continue reading Congress asks EPA IG to investigate conspiracy between Volvo Trucks and Obama EPA staff to destroy glider truck industry

Update: JunkScience struggles with NYTimes op-ed page — wins grudging correction, exposes flagrant hypocrisy

I went back and forth yesterday with NYTimes op-ed page staff over Swamp King Trent Lott’s failure to disclose his conflicts of interest in his NYTimes op-ed advocating for a carbon tax. What an experience.

Continue reading Update: JunkScience struggles with NYTimes op-ed page — wins grudging correction, exposes flagrant hypocrisy

Congress investigating whether China is paying NRDC to harm America

‘… the apparent strong ties between the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Peoples Republic of China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party…”

Read the letter.

Read the report.

Backfire: Harvard math shows that trucks kill 35% more Americans than actually die

The corruption of Harvard’s Francesca Dominici and Journal of the American Medical Association editor Howard Bauchner are gifts that keep giving.

You’ll get NO VERITAS from the air quality work of Harvard’s Francesca Dominici.

Continue reading Backfire: Harvard math shows that trucks kill 35% more Americans than actually die