Update: JunkScience struggles with NYTimes op-ed page — wins grudging correction, exposes flagrant hypocrisy

I went back and forth yesterday with NYTimes op-ed page staff over Swamp King Trent Lott’s failure to disclose his conflicts of interest in his NYTimes op-ed advocating for a carbon tax. What an experience.

Continue reading Update: JunkScience struggles with NYTimes op-ed page — wins grudging correction, exposes flagrant hypocrisy

Congress investigating whether China is paying NRDC to harm America

‘… the apparent strong ties between the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Peoples Republic of China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party…”

Read the letter.

Read the FOXnews.com report.

Backfire: Harvard math shows that trucks kill 35% more Americans than actually die

The corruption of Harvard’s Francesca Dominici and Journal of the American Medical Association editor Howard Bauchner are gifts that keep giving.

You’ll get NO VERITAS from the air quality work of Harvard’s Francesca Dominici.

Continue reading Backfire: Harvard math shows that trucks kill 35% more Americans than actually die

Anti-glider truck fraud expands: JAMA allows Harvard’s Dominici to publish bogus activist death estimate as empirical fact

The criminal conspiracy to destroy the glider truck industry is expanding. I guess the Journal of the American Medical Association wants to be part of it.

Like ex-JAMA editor George Lundberg, Howard Bauchner will publish anything, no matter how fraudulent. Not sure Bauchner realizes that JunkScience.com got Lundberg fired for such conduct.

Continue reading Anti-glider truck fraud expands: JAMA allows Harvard’s Dominici to publish bogus activist death estimate as empirical fact

NYTimes attacks Trump on science — and it turns out to be quite revealing

Keying off the upcoming summit with North Korea, the New York Times’ Coral Davenport attempts an extensive hatchet job on science under Trump. Nowhere in the article does she disclose that she is married to (as of last year, anyway) “an intelligence analyst at the Energy Department in Washington, where he focuses on foreign nuclear weapons programs.” What a co-inky-dink. I love New York Times wedding announcements. It’s how I got the Washington Post‘s Juliet Eilperin reassigned from her environmental beat a few years ago. Here is my line-by-line commentary.

NYTimes reporter Coral Davenport and her hubby, government nuclear weapons intelligence analyst David Butler Higgins, from the NYTimes wedding announcement of May 28, 2017.

Continue reading NYTimes attacks Trump on science — and it turns out to be quite revealing

EXPOSED: E-mails reveal Volvo Trucks, (Obama leftover) EPA staff rig agency test in effort to destroy glider truck industry

Emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act confirm that China-owned Volvo Trucks conspired with Obama-holdover EPA career staff to destroy the glider truck industry. This should also be embarrassing news for reporters like the New York Times’ Eric Lipton and the Los Angeles Times’ Evan Halper who wittingly or unwittingly have been propagandizing for Volvo against gliders under the guise of journalism.

Continue reading EXPOSED: E-mails reveal Volvo Trucks, (Obama leftover) EPA staff rig agency test in effort to destroy glider truck industry