Calabrese: Was Muller’s 1946 Nobel Prize research for radiation-induced gene mutations peer reviewed?

A new paper from the great Ed Calabrese. Hermann Muller’s scientific misconduct continues to plague us today via regulatory actions and rules based on the linear no-threshold model of carcinogenesis.

American communist Hermann Joseph Muller won a Nobel Prize in 1946, committing scientific misconduct during his Nobel lecture by lying about the evidence concerning the LNT.

Continue reading Calabrese: Was Muller’s 1946 Nobel Prize research for radiation-induced gene mutations peer reviewed?

On the need to restrain scientists

In his 1905 veto of what would have been the first and eugenics-aimed compulsory sterilization law in the U.S., Pennsylvania Gov. Samuel Pennypacker stated:

Scientists, like all other men whose experiences have been limited to one pursuit, and whose minds have been developed in a particular direction, sometimes need to be restrained. Men of high scientific attainments are prone, in their love for technique, to lose sight of broad principles outside of their domain of thought.

Read Gov. Pennypacker’s entire statement… Continue reading On the need to restrain scientists

LATimes Evan Halper propagandizes for Big Trucking against the glider truck industry

Here is my line-by-line of Evan Halper’s error-filled report in the Los Angeles Times.

The Los Angeles Times’ Evan Halper did a great job propagandizing for Big Trucking against the glider truck industry.

Continue reading LATimes Evan Halper propagandizes for Big Trucking against the glider truck industry

Pope fails to find error in Enstrom’s 2017 reanalysis of Pope 1995 PM2.5 study

Arden Pope had 14 months to find an error in Jim Enstrom’s 2017 redo and takedown of Pope’s 1995 study. Despite Pope’s arm-waving no actual error was found.

Retired UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom.

Here is the paragraph of Enstrom’s response:

Read Enstrom’s entire response published in Dose-Response.

Background/Additional Reading

Winning: Harvard’s Joel Schwartz Drops Laughable Claim That PM2.5 Epidemiological Correlations are ‘Strong’

The letters are finally published for last December’s junk science-powered PM2.5 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. We made huge progress.

Harvard TC Cha School of Public Health air quality scamster Joel D. Schwartz. The walls are closing in, buddy.

Continue reading Winning: Harvard’s Joel Schwartz Drops Laughable Claim That PM2.5 Epidemiological Correlations are ‘Strong’

From Muller to Mechanism: How the LNT Model Became the Default Model for Cancer Risk Assessment

New from the great Ed Calabrese…. “The present paper reveals Muller did not discover what he claimed…”

Continue reading From Muller to Mechanism: How the LNT Model Became the Default Model for Cancer Risk Assessment

Will OMB Director Mulvaney Allow the Swamp to Destroy the Glider Truck Industry via an Obama EPA Rule?

Wait until President Trump finds out about this, Mick.

Flanking President Trump during a 2016 visit to a Fitzgerald Glider Kits facility are Tommy Fitzgerald, Sr. and Tommy Fitzgerald, Jr.

Continue reading Will OMB Director Mulvaney Allow the Swamp to Destroy the Glider Truck Industry via an Obama EPA Rule?