American Lung Association runs another fake air pollution ad

The American Lung Association announced a new TV ad to defend the EPA. The ad is another phony effort to assert that children are harmed by ambient air quality. Continue reading American Lung Association runs another fake air pollution ad

Polar bear-gate?

“A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article,” reports the Associated Press.

More Agent Orange Con: Aspen Institute urges $300 million in reparations to Vietnam

Should U.S. taxpayers fork over $300 million to Vietnam for Agent Orange reparations? Continue reading More Agent Orange Con: Aspen Institute urges $300 million in reparations to Vietnam

CBO: Clean energy standard more expensive than cap-and-trade for reducing carbon

The Congressional Budget Office says in a new report that both a national “renewable energy standard” (RES) and a so-called “clean energy standard” (CES) would be more expensive ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions than the infamous-and-now-dead cap-and-trade. Continue reading CBO: Clean energy standard more expensive than cap-and-trade for reducing carbon